John Denver Leaving On A Jet Plane B section
John Denver Leaving On A Jet Plane B Section - This video looks at the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane" by John Denver. The song was written by Joh...
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Get Lucky Daft Punk slow
Daft Punk Get Lucky - Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" is one of their most famous songs. Listen to the original song on the album "Random Access Memories." In order to pla...
Taylor Swift Blank Space complete
Blank Space complete - "Blank Space" the complete version! Come and play "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift completely. You only need 5 chords - C, Am, F, G, an...
The Devlins Waiting Intro slow
Waiting The Devlins - Here in this video will learn the intro section to the song "Waiting" slowly. The song "Waiting" was released on the 2002 Six Feet Under...
Common Chord Progression 4
This video will show you how to play Common Chord Progression 4. We are still playing the I, IV, and V chords but this time we go back to the I chord at...
Slides Exercise
Slides (also called glissando) are an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note with...
Bruno Mars Just The Way You Are A section
Bruno Mars Just The Way You Are - This video teaches you how to play the A section of Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are." The chord same as the int...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 5
Bireli Lagrene teaches you more I Got Rhythm variations for the A section. There is some really cool rhythmic "thumping" ...
Pull-Off Exercise 3
A pull-off is an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note without picking it wi...
Torn to Shreds II - full track
Here's the full chord part for this original song, using Em and A7 chords only. Be sure to check out Torn to Shreds I to learn the power chord part and Torn t...