C Ionian Scale in 3rds
This video shows the C Ionian scale in 3rds. This ascending 'zig-zag' pattern can be applied to any scale and is a good way to learn a scale in depth. This pattern ca...
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4 String G7 Chord
This version of a G7 chord is one of the easiest chords to play on the guitar but already sounds great and can be used in many songs. G7 is also known as G dominant sevent...
Twenty One Pilots Car Radio A section slow
Twenty One Pilots Car Radio - The song "Car Radio" is by the American pop duo Twenty One Pilots, The group was formed in 2009 and this song can ...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 9
Neighbor note lick - In this video Bireli plays a virtuosic lick that uses upper neighbor and chromatic lower neighbor notes. Notice how Bireli uses...
E Blues Scale
The E blues scale is a key ingredient in rock and blues. It will sound familiar to you even if you've never played it before. Learning the blues scale is useful if you are int...
Nickelback When We Stand Together bridge slow
Nickelback When We Stand Together bridge - Here is the bridge section played slowly to Nickelback's "When We Stand Together." This slower video...
C Major triads string group 3-5
C Major triads string group 3-5 -This video will teach you how to play the inversions of C major triad on string group 3-5.In music, a triad is a se...
The Chainsmokers Closer A section
The Chainsmokers Closer - Now in this video, we will look at the A section of "Closer".This is a song by created by an American DJ/production duo from ...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 13
Blues Phrases to Begin Over the A section Rhythm changes - This improv begins off with nothing more then simple slides into the well know B...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 2
Rhythm Changes A Section - This video shows you another example of what is possibly both rhythmically and harmonically ov...