F major triad string group 2-4
F major triad string group 2-4 - Now in this video, we will apply the same concept we did for C for another key signature.This time we will use an F ...
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Passenger Let Her Go C section
Passenger Let Her Go C section - We show you how to play the C section to Passenger's "Let Her Go" here. You will need the F, C, G and Am chords. This strummi...
Taylor Swift Eyes Open A section slow
Eyes Open Taylor Swift - Here is a video of the A section of Taylor Swift's "Eyes Open" in a slower tempo.
C Major Scale notes on 4th string
C Major Scale notes on 4th string - Starting the C major scale now from the 4th open string gives us the starting note D. This will be the 2nd scale degree...
Katy Perry Firework C section slow
Firework Katy Perry Chords Lesson -"Firework" is one of Katy Perry's most popular and uplifting songs which originally appeared on her album "Teenage ...
Katy Perry Firework complete
Katy Perry Firework Complete Song - "Firework" is a fantastic, feel-good song by Katy Perry. Check out the original on her studio album "Teenage Dream".In t...
Em Chord
One of the first chords guitarists learn, the E minor chord sounds great and is used in countless songs. To play it we need to use two fingers of the left hand. It is used in the s...
Smoke Machine - guitar only
This riff is inspired by "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple. It uses open power chords and power chords on frets 3 and 5. In this video you'll hear the guitar p...
Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen A section slow
Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen - This video shows you how to play the A section to Bruce Springsteen's "Atlantic City" slowly.Please note...
Another 4 Note Pattern in C
This is another 4 note pattern in C. Four note patterns are often associated with the sound of the great jazz saxophonist John Coltrane. This is an unusual patte...