Common Chord Progression 13
Here is Common Chord Progression 13. It is a ii-IV-V. In the key of C that is a Dm, F, and G. Just like all of our Common Chord Progressions, you should try to p...
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With Or Without You - guitar only
This video shows a classic chord progression which has been used in many songs such as U2 With or Without You. The progression uses the chords D, A, Bm7 an...
Katy Perry Firework C section
Firework Guitar Chords Katy Perry - "Firework" is one of Katy Perry's most popular and uplifting songs which originally appeared on her album "Teenage Dream."
Taylor Swift Blank Space B section
Taylor Swift Blank Space B section - This video shows you how to play the B section to Taylor Swift's "Blank Space." The B section has a C, Am, Dm, as wel...
Rock 'n' Roll Riff - guitar only
Rock 'n' Roll riff - This is a classic, must-know rock guitar riff and has been used in many rock 'n' roll songs. It's an ideal riff to learn if you are a b...
Wes Montgomery Missile Blues Octave Regular and Slow Speed
Wes Montgomery Missile Blues - Wes' octave technique played Regular and Slow Speed in this video! Continue learning Wes' Octave te...
3 6 2 5 Phrases
Here Larry demonstrates 3 6 2 5 Phrases. He outlines the changes with some standard idiomatic phrases. Larry uses the chords as spacing for the phrasing of his lines to giv...
Wonderwall Oasis C section
Wonderwall Oasis C section -Now we will look at the C section and chorus section of Oasis hit single form 1995.The capo is still on the 2nd fret and the ...
Oasis Wonderwall B section slow
Oasis Wonderwall B section slow - Now we will take a look at the slowed down version of the B section from "Wonderwall" by Oasis.The capo is still on the...
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - D Form
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - D Form This is the last form of the D minor 7th arpeggio. This shape starts from the 12th fret of the 4th string with the first finger. We p...