Ed Sheeran Galway Girl bridge
Ed Sheeran Galway Girl - "Galway Girl" by Ed Sheeran is an interesting mix of Irish traditional music and pop. In this video we're going to learn the bridge se...
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Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 11 - Slow
Repeating neighbor note lick slowly - Here's a slower version of Bireli's repeating neighbor note lick. It's similar to the neighbor note li...
Maroon 5 Sugar A section
Sugar Maroon 5, an American band formed in 1994. It was written by Mike Posner, Adam Levine, Dr. Luke, and Jacob Kasher Hindlin. It is from their album V. It was no...
G7 chord
Here we have a G7 chord. A 7th chord, also called a Dominant 7th chord, contains the root, 3rd, 5th, and b7th degrees of the scale. In this case, in the key of G, we have the notes...
2 Octave C Lydian Scale
In this video we cover a 2 octave C Lydian scale. The Lydian mode has a very distinctive, bright sound. We have a raised fourth degree, which is the only difference ...
Neil Young Keep On Rocking In The Free World A section slow
Neil Young Keep On Rocking In The Free World slow - Here is the A section to "Keep on Rocking in the Free World" slowly. The chor...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 3
This Rhythm Changes Bridge video has Bireli Lagrene demonstrating ideas for reharmonization. We suggest hearing it a few ...
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - C Form
D Minor 7 Arpeggio C Form - In this video, you will learn the C form of the D minor 7 arpeggio. The D minor 7 arpeggio contains the notes D, F, A, and ...
G Major 7 chord
This video shows the G Major 7 chord. A Major 7 chord contains the root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th degrees of the scale. In this case, in the key of G, we have the notes G, B, D, an...
Seal Kiss From A Rose Intro
Seal Kiss From A Rose - This song is taken from Seal's best selling and critically acclaimed hit record, simply titled "Seal". The tune was first released as a s...