G Major 7 chord
This video shows the G Major 7 chord. A Major 7 chord contains the root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th degrees of the scale. In this case, in the key of G, we have the notes G, B, D, an...
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2 Octave A Ionian Scale
In this video we will look at a 2 Octave A Ionian Scale played in 5th position. Remember that Ionian is identical to the major scale. A major is a very common key on...
Locked Out of Heaven Bruno Mars B Section slow
Locked Out of Heaven Bruno Mars B Section slow - Now we will take a look at the B section to "Locked out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars...
Third Eye - full track
This song is in the style of songs like "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple. It uses four power chords: A Power Chord open strings, C Power Chord 3rd fret, D Power Ch...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 13
B section of Rhythm Changes - Another linear approached intro to the improv followed by hard swinging lines that are evenly played across B...
Am chord
In this video, you will learn how to play the Am chord. The Am chord is one of approximately 15 basic open chords that you can play on the guitar. "Open" chord means that it will u...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 4
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - In this example, Bireli shows you a simple symmetrical phrase starting with your index finger on the 4th fr...
Gdim7 chord
Alright, so here is a Gdim7 chord. A diminished 7 chord contains the root, b3rd,b 5th, and bb7th (6th) degrees of the scale. In this case, in the key of G, we have the notes G, ...
Big Band Style Quadruple Stops - Notice how Larry incorporates big band-style 'shouts' into a blues here by using quadruple stops. Larry's using a mixture of the 'big band' quadruple stops, ...
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - A Form
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - A Form - Here we have the A form of the D minor 7th arpeggio. This is a very useful form that starts with the first finger on the 5th fret o...