Passenger Let Her Go C section slow
Let Her Go Passenger slow - This video shows you how to play the C section of "Let Her Go" by Passenger slowly. Again, you need the F, C, G and Am chords...
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C Ionian Scale in 3rds
This video shows the C Ionian scale in 3rds. This ascending 'zig-zag' pattern can be applied to any scale and is a good way to learn a scale in depth. This pattern ca...
F on 1st string 1st fret
F on the 1st string 1st fret - In this video we play the note F by simply using your index finger on the 1st string 1st fret. The next video will show you the octav...
Avicii Wake Me Up A section
Avicii Wake Me Up - Wake Me Up is a song by Avicii from his album "True." We need the chords, A minor, F and C, and use a two-beat strumming pattern. Keep your w...
A Power Chord strings 3 and 4
(alternative fingering)
In this video you will learn to play an A power chord. It can also be called an A5 chord. We'll be using the third and fourth strings ...
Amy Winehouse Valerie A section
Amy Winehouse Valerie - In this video, you will learn the A section in the song " Valerie." "Valerie" is a song written by the English rock band the Zutons....
Losing My Religion REM B section slow
Losing My Religion R.E.M. B section slow. "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M B section played slowly is found here. Can you spot the difference between th...
Am Chord
Am (A minor chord) is a must-know chord has been used in countless songs. It uses 5 strings and three fingers of the left hand. It is used in the song 'Canoe Song'.
C Major 7 chord
This video shows the C Major 7 chord. A Major 7 chord contains the root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th degrees of the scale. In this case, in the key of C, we have the notes C, E, G, an...
C major triad second inversion position string group 1-3 visualize root 5th string
C major triad second inversion string group 1-3 visualize root on 5th string -Now let's put the root C...