All I have to do is dream Everly Brothers A section
All I Have To Do Is Dream The Everly Brothers - "All I Have to Do Is Dream" is a famous by the Everly Brothers and published in 1958. The...
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Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 11
B section of Rhythm Changes - Bireli employs a sweep picking technique along with dissonant interval shapes on the guitar to give a very mo...
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - G Form
D Minor 7 Arpeggio - G Form - Here is another form of the D minor 7th arpeggio. Do you remember that the Major 7th arpeggio has a 1, 3, 5, and 7? Well, a minor ...
Choice Lick 3 Reg and Slow
Jazz Guitar Phrase 3 by Armen Movsesyan
Blues Changes - full track
Blues Chords - This video features a classic chord progression called Blues Changes. This progression can also be called 12 bar blues. It is the basis for many fa...
Taylor Swift 22 A section slow
22 Taylor Swift - The song "22" appears on Taylor Swift's fourth album, "Red". The lyrics describe the happiness of being 22."22" is a good example of Tay...
Pull-Off Exercise 2
A pull-off is an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note without picking it wi...
Katy Perry Roar A section
Katy Perry Roar - Here in this video we will look at the A section of "Roar" by Katy Perry. Katy Perry is an American singer and songwriter born October 25, 1984. ...
Pull-Off Exercise 1
A pull-off is an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note without picking it wi...
Soul Asylum Runaway Train Intro
Soul Asylum Runaway Train - This piece is a very sad power ballad by the band Soul Asylum that critically acclaimed success when it was released in June 199...