Stand by Me Ben E King
Ben E King Stand by Me. "Stand By Me" is from the album "Don't Play that Song!" Released April 1961. Ben E King is an American Soul and R&B record producer an...
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Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 6
In this cool-sounding blues in Bb, Bireli shows what can be done just with single lines. Bireli creates interest right from the beginning through hi...
C Major triads string group 2-4
C Major triads string group 2-4 - For this C major triad inversion we are going to use string group 4-2.In music, a triad is a set of three notes that ar...
G Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Example 2
G Half Whole Diminished Scale melodic sequence - In this video, Larry gives an example of how to find melodic sequences within the Half Whole ...
Rocket Man Elton John A section slow -In this video, we will take a look at the A section to "Rocket Man" by Elton John.'Rocket Man" is from the albu...
Wes Montgomery Blue n' Boogie - This video shows you how to use double stops like Wes Mongtomery with "Blue N' Boogie" as the example. After watching this you will have a much better underst...
F on 4th string 3rd fret
F on the 4th string - Now let`s put our index finger on the F on the 4th string 3rd fret.Think of a root note also as a "shining light" or "lamp" to whatev...
Carly Rae Jepsen Call Me Maybe A section
Carly Rae Jepsen Call Me Maybe - In this video, you will learn the A section to the song " Call Me Maybe". This is a song written by the Canadian si...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 4
B section of Rhythm Changes Chromatic Bebop approach - Bireli once again begins this with some wide intervals but still limited to just chor...
Major triads string group 1-3 C, F, G, A, E, B, D
Major triads string group 1-3 C, F, G, A, E, B, D -In this video, we will challenge you to break out of your comfort zone even more.