4 String G7 Chord
This version of a G7 chord is one of the easiest chords to play on the guitar but already sounds great and can be used in many songs. G7 is also known as G dominant sevent...
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Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 6
B section of Rhythm Changes - Again swinging ideas that are based off the Major 7 arpeggio down a whole step from the intended dominant chor...
Pink Try B section
Pink Try Guitar Lesson - Pink's "Try" is a popular song from her 2012 smash album "The Truth About Love." In the B section of "Try" we're going to be using the chords F, ...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 1
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - Here Bireli showcases the first of a few great typical Django Reinhardt lines. Make sure to add these to yo...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 6
Rhythm Changes B Section Variations - This video shows Bireli using some simlar techniques and playing phrases from the p...
Hotel California Eagles A sectionHotel California The Eagles - "Hotel California" is considered the be the most famous recording of the Eagles. "Hotel California" is also the title tra...
What a Birch - full track
This song is based on A and G power chords. It sounds good by itself, but also works as an accompaniment for the song 'Land of the Silver Birch', so be sure to che...
Passenger Let Her Go C section
Passenger Let Her Go C section - We show you how to play the C section to Passenger's "Let Her Go" here. You will need the F, C, G and Am chords. This strummi...
C major triad second inversion position string group 1-3 visualize root 5th string
C major triad second inversion string group 1-3 visualize root on 5th string -Now let's put the root C...
Black is Back - guitar only
AC/DC Back in Black - This riff is inspired by "Back in Black" by AC/DC. It is based on power chords and pull-offs. In this video you'll hear just the guitar par...