Practice this G Blues Chord Solo slowly. Note, some of the chordal ideas here are also appropriate for accompaniment. However, others will probably be too distracting or abrasive to be used ...
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Kelly Clarkson Stronger A section slow
Stronger Kelly Clarkson - The A section to "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson contains only four chords, E minor, C, G and D. The strumming pattern can be a...
Soul Asylum Runaway Train Intro
Soul Asylum Runaway Train - This piece is a very sad power ballad by the band Soul Asylum that critically acclaimed success when it was released in June 199...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 19
A minor sixth arpeggio lick - This lick is based around an A minor sixth arpeggio, descending and the ascending again. Notice how Bireli uses tripl...
F major triad string group 1-3
F major triad string group 1-3 -Now in this video, we will apply the same concept we did for C for another key signature.This time we will use an F ...
Passenger Let Her Go complete
Here we are, the complete version of "Let Her Go." This is a long one so go slow and be patient. You have an intro, sn A, B, and C section, four chords, (F, G,...
Passenger Let Her Go B section
Passenger Let Her Go B section - Learn the B section to Passenger's "Let Her Go." You will use the chords Am, F, G, and Em. Don't forget your capo on the seve...
C Major scale C form
C Major scale C form - This video showcases how the 12th-position C major scale outlines the C major chord. When working on these CAGED exercises, don't focus only on t...
Ed Sheeran Galway Girl B section slow
Ed Sheeran Galway Girl B section slow - This is the slower version of the B section or chorus of Ed Sheeran's "Galway Girl". Make sure to practice it v...
The Devlins Waiting Intro slow
Waiting The Devlins - Here in this video will learn the intro section to the song "Waiting" slowly. The song "Waiting" was released on the 2002 Six Feet Under...