C minor triads string group 4-6
C minor triads string group 4-6 - In this video, you will learn all inversions for a C minor triad for string group 4-6.Really getting to know your t...
Chord 10
C minor triads string group 3-5
C minor triads string group 3-5 - In this video, you will learn all inversions for the C minor triad for string group 3-5.Really getting to know your...
C minor triads string group 2-4
C minor triads string group 2-4 -In this video, you will learn all inversions for the C minor triad for string group 2-4.Really getting to know your...
C major to C minor triad 2nd inversion string group 1-3
C major to C minor triad 2nd inversion string group 1-3 -For the second inversion, the E on the first string is going to be flat...
C minor triads string group 1-3
C minor triads string group 1-3 -Now here are all C minor triads inversions on string group 1 - 3.Really getting to know your triads is not only ben...
C major to C minor triad 1st inversion string group 1-3
C major to C minor triad 1st inversion string group 1-3 -Here you will be shown on how to switch a C major triad to a C minor tr...
C major to C minor triad root position string group 1-3
C major to C minor triad root position string group 1-3 -In this clip, you will be shown on how to switch a C major triad to a...
4 String G7 Chord
This version of a G7 chord is one of the easiest chords to play on the guitar but already sounds great and can be used in many songs. G7 is also known as G dominant sevent...
A Power Chord open strings
This is a very easy way to play an A power chord. It is also called an A5 chord. We play the thickest two strings and don't need to use the left hand at all. This...
With Or Without You - full track
This video shows a classic chord progression which has been used in many songs such as U2 With or Without You. The progression uses the chords D, A, Bm7 and...