Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 4
In the intro to this blues in Bb, Bireli contrasts two ideas: a dissonant augmented chord with a flat ninth, and percussive effects. As an effective...
I Got Rhythm 10
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 13
B section of Rhythm Changes - Another linear approached intro to the improv followed by hard swinging lines that are evenly played across B...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 11
A Section Rhythm Changes Improv Octave Displacement - Bireli makes use of octave displacement and is very careful to keep the back beat of ...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 2
In this Rhythm Changes B section video you will see another example by the great Bireli Lagrene. Here he once again shows...
Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 3
In this blues in Bb, notice how Bireli establishes a solid groove right from the beginning by using percussive effects with both hands, as well as c...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 12
A very large intervalic contrapuntal approach to the B section of Rhythm Changes. Moving from Bach to Charlie Parker all withing the same 8...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 10
Quicker tempo A section Rhythm Changes - Bireli makes use of the range of the guitar to play past 12 fret in order to accommodate rather la...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Introduction/Example 1
I Got Rhythm Bridge - Now we are moving on to "I Got Rhythm's" Bridge. The bridge can also be referred to as...
Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 2
In the spirit of players like Wes Montgomery and Jim Mullen, Bireli dispenses with his pick altogether for this blues in Bb. See how much can be don...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 11
B section of Rhythm Changes - Bireli employs a sweep picking technique along with dissonant interval shapes on the guitar to give a very mo...