1 + 2 Diminished (Implied Chromatic)
Let's see how Larry adds interest to his playing and compositions through what he calls "Implied Chromatic." Here, he's using the 1+2 diminished scale t...
Improvisation 10
A Blues Scale
The A blues scale is a key ingredient in rock and blues. It will sound familiar to you even if you've never played it before. Learning the A blues scale is useful if you are i...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 16
Unison strums - In this lick Bireli plays unison notes on adjacent strings with a repeating down-up-up strumming pattern. This strumming pattern go...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 4
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - In this example, Bireli shows you a simple symmetrical phrase starting with your index finger on the 4th fr...
G Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Example 1
Let's see how Larry applies the G Half Whole Diminished Scale to a dominant seventh chord situation. In this case, Larry is thinking in G7, an...
A Minor Pentatonic Scale - fast
A pentatonic scale is made of five different notes and the A minor pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk musi...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 14
Appoggiatura lick - In this lick Bireli uses an arpeggio followed by a sequence of appoggiaturas. The use of the F# gives the lick a lydian feel. T...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 3
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This phrase can be used over a II-V chord progression in the key of A Major, which would be Bm7-E7. Bireli ...
B Half Whole Diminished Scale
In this video, Larry demonstrates the B Half Whole Diminished scale. This is also known as the "one-plus-two" scale. As it contains eight notes, it is consider...
A Minor Pentatonic Scale - slow
A pentatonic scale is made of five different notes and the A minor pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk musi...