Wes Montgomery Missile Blues Octave Regular and Slow Speed
Wes Montgomery Missile Blues - Wes' octave technique played Regular and Slow Speed in this video! Continue learning Wes' Octave te...
Improvisation 10
Original Lick 1 Regular and Slow Speed
Learn this Original Lick 1 by Armen Movsesyan. Go slow, be sure to learn it in all keys and incorporate it into your playing immediately!
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 9
B section of Rhythm Changes - A diminished sequence based off out lining a Dominant 7th flat 9 chord that travels symmetrically down the nec...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 7
First A Section Rhythm Changes Improv - A section of Rhythm Changes. Bireli Begins with some classic blues phrases followed by some lines th...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 5
Bireli Lagrene teaches you more I Got Rhythm variations for the A section. There is some really cool rhythmic "thumping" ...
D Natural Blues Wes Montgomery the slow version! You will be on your way to sounding like Wes Montgomery if you put this octave technique into your playing. Give it a shot, you can do it!
1st 3rds lick regular and slow
3rds lick 1 - In this video, Armen Movsesyan shows you the first of 3 original 3rd's phrases. He plays it at a regular tempo as well as slow for you to learn...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 11
Here is another example of how Bireli Lagrene blasts through the famous Rhythm Changes Standard "I Got Rhythm".
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 8
B section of Rhythm Changes - A more linear approach to playing through the bridge section but still outlining the 3rds and 7ths fantastical...