Teenage Rage - guitar only
This original song is inspired by "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. It uses moveable power chord shapes. In this video you'll hear just the guitar part by its...
moveable chord 8
What a Birch - full track
This song is based on A and G power chords. It sounds good by itself, but also works as an accompaniment for the song 'Land of the Silver Birch', so be sure to che...
What a Birch - guitar only
This song is based on A and G power chords. It sounds good by itself, but also works as an accompaniment for the song 'Land of the Silver Birch', so be sure to ch...
G Power Chord 3rd fret
This is a G power chord, also called a G5 chord. Learning this incredibly useful power chord shape will allow you to play power chords anywhere on the neck! It doesn'...
A Power Chord 5th fret
This is an A power chord, also called an A5 chord. Learning this incredibly useful power chord shape will allow you to play power chords anywhere on the neck! It does...
Total Insomnia - full track
This original song is inspired by 'All Day And All Of The Night' by The Kinks. It uses moveable power chord shapes. In this video you'll hear the guitar playing ...
Total Insomnia - guitar only
This original song is inspired by "All Day And All Of The Night" by The Kinks. It uses moveable power chord shapes. In this video you'll hear just the guitar pa...
Teenage Rage - full track
This original song is inspired by "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. It uses moveable power chord shapes. In this video you'll hear the guitar playing along wit...