Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 3
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This phrase can be used over a II-V chord progression in the key of A Major, which would be Bm7-E7. Bireli ...
Phrases 10
Combining Pentatonic with Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 1
Now you will see how to combine the Pentatonic and Charlie Parker concepts together to create some great jazz...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 15
Triplet pull-off lick - Here Bireli plays a lick featuring pull-offs in a repeating triplet figure. Notice how the first group of six notes differs...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 1
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - Here Bireli showcases the first of a few great typical Django Reinhardt lines. Make sure to add these to yo...
Combining Pentatonic with Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 2
This video is another example of Mr. Coryell combining the Pentatonic and "Bird" concept. Check out the reall...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 13
Resolving diminished seventh lick - This lick is based around diminished seventh arpeggios that resolve to C major. Notice how Bireli's position sh...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 2
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This phrase plays around the chord tones of a simple D Major Triad with some added chromaticism. The patter...
Playing Over Minor (Summertime)
Playing Over Minor (Summertime) - In this Video Larry gives you an idea of playing over minor a with a classic and well-known standard like "Summertime" as a...
3 6 2 5 Phrase 1
Larry Plays 3 6 2 5 Phrase in C. E minor 7 b5 to A 7 #5 followed by a 2 - 5 in C - D m7 to G 13. This is a common 3-6-2-5 chord progression substitution in C.
Using the 6th
Larry will talk about and demonstrate to you on how to put more emphasis on the Major 6th of the scale, in this case, and key of A minor the note will be the note F#. In this ...