Improvisation Example
Using the A Blues Scale
Here is an example of A blues scale improvisation. See how to use the A blues scale to create your own solos. Notice that only notes from the ...
Scale 8
E Minor Pentatonic Scale - slow
A pentatonic scale is a scale made of five different notes, and the E minor pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in ...
E Minor Pentatonic Scale
A pentatonic scale is a scale made of five different notes and the E minor pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk mus...
E Blues Scale
The E blues scale is a key ingredient in rock and blues. It will sound familiar to you even if you've never played it before. Learning the blues scale is useful if you are int...
A Blues Scale
The A blues scale is a key ingredient in rock and blues. It will sound familiar to you even if you've never played it before. Learning the A blues scale is useful if you are i...
A Minor Pentatonic Scale - fast
A pentatonic scale is made of five different notes and the A minor pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk musi...
A Minor Pentatonic Scale - slow
A pentatonic scale is made of five different notes and the A minor pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk musi...
G Major Pentatonic Scale
Pentatonic scales are scales made of five different notes. The major pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk music aro...