Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 2
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This phrase plays around the chord tones of a simple D Major Triad with some added chromaticism. The patter...
Songs 10
Hotel California Eagles B section
Hotel California The Eagles B section - For the B section of The Eagles "Hotel California", we will try to imitate the rhythms of the vocals with our stru...
"How High the Moon" is a jazz standard by Morgan Lewis. Bireli packs a lot of ideas and techniques into a short time. Notice how effective it is to contrast techniques such as playing in oct...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 12
Diminished seventh lick - This lick is another great example of how a fingering pattern can be very effectively moved around the fretboard. The fir...
Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 7 - Troublant Bolero - Right Hand
Django Reinhardt Style comping - Bireli will demonstrate for you again exactly how to use your right hand for Djang...
26 miles 4 Preps A section26 Miles The Four Preps - "26 Miles" is a famous song by the 1950s and 1960s pop band The Four Preps. It has reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and n...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 11 - Slow
Repeating neighbor note lick slowly - Here's a slower version of Bireli's repeating neighbor note lick. It's similar to the neighbor note li...
Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 7 - Troublant Bolero
Django Reinhardt Style backing - Now we will take a look at an original composition by Django Reinhart called "Troublant Bolero"...
Every Rose Has Its Thorn Poison A section slow
Poison Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Here you can practice the A section to "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" slowed down and really get used to the ch...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 25
Rapid chromatic scale lick - Check out Bireli's jaw-dropping scale playing in this chromatic scale. The scale itself is preceded by a playful, diat...