Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 10
Here's a very versatile idea using triplet cross-string thirds, in this case in the key of C. Bireli plays major and minor thirds diatonically on j...
Songs 10
Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 2
Django Reinhardt Style backing
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 19 - Slow
A minor sixth arpeggio lick slowly - Here is a slower version of the A minor sixth arpeggio lick. The arpeggio descends and then ascends aga...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 8
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This great phrase played by Bireli basically spells the chord tones of an Amin6. Notice how the Major 6th (...
Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 1
Django Reinhardt Style comping Pattern In G - Bireli starts comping through a simple progression in G. Notice how he makes use of chromatic bass no...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 20
G minor arpeggio lick - This lick is essentially a G minor arpeggio played ascending and descending in triplets.
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 9
Dominant ascending lick - In this video Bireli demonstrates an ascending lick that could be used over a dominant chord, in this case D7. Each arpegg...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 21
G major arpeggio with neighbor notes - Essentially, this lick is a G major arpeggio embellished with upper and lower neighbor notes. As with Bireli...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 7
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - Pay special attention to how Bireli keeps a descending melody on every first beat of each bar on the first ...