Wham Wake Me Up Before You Go Go Intro
"Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" Wham - "Wake me up before you go go" is a song recorded by Wham, a duo from the United Kingdom. Wham is from London, Eng...
Beginner (10)
Neil Young Keep On Rocking In The Free World A section
Keep On Rocking In The Free World Neil - "Keep on Rocking in the Free World" is a song by artist Neil Young. "Keep on Rocking in the F...
The Weekend Featuring Daft Punk I Feel It Coming C section slow
The Weekend I Feel it Coming - We show you how to play the C section to The Weekend's "I Feel it Coming" from his 2016 album ...
Pink Raise Your Glass A section slow
Pink Raise Your Glass - Here is the slow version of Pink's "Raise Your Glass." It might be difficult to do slowly but rest assured you will reap the rew...
Katy Perry Chained to The Rhythm A section
Katy Perry Chained to the Rhythm - Katy Perry's "Chained to the Rhythm" the lead single from her fifth studio album, Witness. The strumming patter...
Nickelback If Today Was Your Last Day A section
Nickelback If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback's "If Today Was Your Last Day" is the third single from their sixth album entitled "Dark H...
Train Hey Soul Sister A section slow
Train Hey Soul Sister - "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train is a song from their album "Save Me, San Francisco." Essentially, we're going to be using the same s...
Katy Perry Firework A section slow
Katy Perry Firework - "Firework" by Katy Perry is a really uplifting and fun song to play.Check out the original track on her album "Teenage Dream."
Taylor Swift 22 A section
Taylor Swift 22 - The song "22" appears on Taylor Swift's fourth album, "Red". The lyrics describe the happiness of being 22. "22" is a good example of Taylor Swif...
The Chainsmokers and Coldplay Something Just Like This B section
The Chainsmokers and Coldplay Something Just Like This - Now in this video, we will look at the B section of "Something Just...