Time of Your Life Green Day A section slow
Green Day Time Of Your Life - Here you have the A section of "Time Of Your Life" by Green Day in a slower Tempo. The right-hand strumming pattern ...
Beginner (10)
Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen bridge
Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen bridge. You will find the bridge to "Atlantic City" by Bruce Springsteen here. There are four chords and the same str...
Free Falling Tom Petty
Tom Petty Free Falling - Next we look at "Free Falling" by Tom Petty. "Free Falling" is from the album "Full Moon Fever" released October 27, 1989. Tom Petty was b...
Rhythm Changes A Section Chords
If you want to play Jazz you need to how to play the chords to "I Got Rhythm." "I Got Rhythm" was written by George and Ira Gershwin in 1930 for the musical ...
Neil Young Keep On Rocking In The Free World complete
Neil Young Keep On Rocking In The Free World - Here is the complete video of Neil Young's "Keep on Rocking in a Free World." The chords...
Nickelback When We Stand Together A section slow
Nickelback When We Stand Together - This video shows you how to play Nickelback's "When We Stand Together" slowly. When you are done with th...
U2 Staring At The Sun bridge slow
Staring at the Sun slow - The bridge to "Staring at the Sun" by U2 is played here slowly to help you learn. Remember to relax and go slow. This is a long s...
Katy Perry Chained to The Rhythm A section slow
Chained to the Rhythm Katy Perry - The A section of "Chained to the Rhythm" by Katy Perry played slowly. Once you are done with this video be...
Nickelback If Today Was Your Last Day C section
If Today Was Your Last Day Nickelback C section - The C section to "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickelback has only 3 chords which you alr...
Oasis Champagne Supernova A section
Oasis Champagne Supernova - "Champagne Supernova" is a song by Oasis. It appears on their album "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?" In this video, we'll ...