Alternate Picking Exercise 3
Alternate picking is the use of downstrokes and upstrokes in alternation when playing single notes. This essential rock guitar will allow us to play faster. Thi...
Beginner (10)
G Major Pentatonic Scale
Pentatonic scales are scales made of five different notes. The major pentatonic scale is a key ingredient of rock and blues music. It also appears in folk music aro...
26 miles 4 Preps B section
26 Miles The Four Preps B section - The B section of "26 Miles" by The Preps will challenge you to put down a G7 and C7 chord more frequently. Also check out the ...
Chainsmokers Closer A section slow
Closer The Chainsmokers - Now in this video, we will look at the A section of "Closer" at a slower tempo.This is a song by created by an American DJ/p...
Justin Bieber Baby A section slow
Baby Justin Bieber -Here is a slowed down version of the A section for "Baby", a song by performed by Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber.The t...
Justin Bieber Baby B section slow
Justin Bieber Baby -Here is the slowed down version video for the B section for "Baby", a song by performed by Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber....
Justin Bieber Baby A section
Justin Bieber Baby -Here is a video of the A section for "Baby", a song by performed by Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber.The tune was the lead si...
Justin Bieber Sorry A section slow
Sorry Justin Bieber -Now in this video, you will learn the A section for the song "Sorry" slowly.The song's A section contains the chords F, A min...
In this 12 Bar Blues video, Larry Coryell will show you how to play the most basic blues. It is 12 measures and consists of 3 chords, a I, IV, and V. The I chord is played for four measures ...
Other ways to get into the IV chord example 1 (ii-V of IV)
This video shows you an example of a different way to get to the IV chord. Mr. Coryell teaches us that you can platy the ii-V of t...