More 3 6 2 5 Phrases
Larry demonstrates more 3 6 2 5 phrases over the E min7b5 to A 7 to D m7 to G7.
Blues (10)
Strechin' with Larry Coryell Playing Example 1
Watch and see how Larry weaves together chords and single lines in this blues chorus. He draws on pentatonic ideas, quadruple stops, diminishe...
Playing Over Minor (Summertime)
Playing Over Minor (Summertime) - In this Video Larry gives you an idea of playing over minor a with a classic and well-known standard like "Summertime" as a...
Strechin' with Larry Coryell Playing Example 2
In this video, Larry shows the importance of playing with relaxed timing. Loosen up and release any tension from your playing. Notice how Larr...
Pentatonic Improvisation 4
Here is a final example of using the Pentatonic Scale to improvise over the first seven measures (bars) of the Blues. Larry really gives you some simple, soulful ...
Using the 6th
Larry will talk about and demonstrate to you on how to put more emphasis on the Major 6th of the scale, in this case, and key of A minor the note will be the note F#. In this ...
McCoy Tyner style chord voicings - Let's see how Larry uses chords voicings based on fourths, typical of the great jazz pianist McCoy Tyner. Larry also effectively uses bass note pedals to c...
Using Major over minor - Example C Major over A minor
Major over minor - This example showcases on how to actually "think" in C Major, while still being in the key of A minor. This will giv...
Strechin' with Larry Coryell Playing Example 4
In this video watch and learn from jazz legend Larry Coryell, the "Godfather of Fusion," as he plays 3 choruses of an F blues where he demonst...
Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 3
Here is another example of the Charlie Parker concept discussed and taught be Larry Coryell. He plays some really hip (cool) rhythms he...