Time of Your Life Green Day A section slow
Green Day Time Of Your Life - Here you have the A section of "Time Of Your Life" by Green Day in a slower Tempo. The right-hand strumming pattern ...
Intermediate (10)
All I have to do is dream Everly Brothers B section slow
The Everly Brothers All I Have To Do Is Dream B section slow - Here is the B section of "All I Have to Do Is Dream" in a slower temp...
Let it Be Beatles B section slow
Let it Be the Beatles -Now learn the B section to "Let it Be" by the Beatles slowly. As mentioned before, the chords are the same but the first four measur...
Ed Sheeran Sing complete
Ed Sheeran Sing complete - Here is the complete song of "Sing" by Ed Sheeran. Please note the sixteenth note syncopations and sixteenth not cut strums. The syncopat...
Matchbox Twenty 3am B section
Matchbox Twenty 3am - Here is the B section of "3am" by Matchbox Twenty. Matchbox Twenty is an American rock band from Orlando, Florida and was formed in 1995....
2nd 3rd's lick regular and slow speed
3rds lick 2 - In this second 3rd's lick by Armen Movsesyan you will continue to learn double stops in the style of Kenny Burrell and Wes Montgomery.
Kenny Burrell Blues Example Slow Speed
Blues Kenny Burrell - The slow version of Kenny Burrell's K.B. Blues. You can learn a lot from Kenny so make sure that you check out his recordings. I...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 6
B section of Rhythm Changes - Again swinging ideas that are based off the Major 7 arpeggio down a whole step from the intended dominant chor...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 11
Here is another example of how Bireli Lagrene blasts through the famous Rhythm Changes Standard "I Got Rhythm".
Time of Your Life Green Day B section slow
Time Of Your Life Green Day B section slow - The B section of Green Day's "Time Of Your Life" switches chords very quickly. Try to play along to t...