Hotel California Eagles A sectionHotel California The Eagles - "Hotel California" is considered the be the most famous recording of the Eagles. "Hotel California" is also the title tra...
Intermediate (10)
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 3
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This phrase can be used over a II-V chord progression in the key of A Major, which would be Bm7-E7. Bireli ...
B Half Whole Diminished Scale
In this video, Larry demonstrates the B Half Whole Diminished scale. This is also known as the "one-plus-two" scale. As it contains eight notes, it is consider...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 25
Rapid chromatic scale lick - Check out Bireli's jaw-dropping scale playing in this chromatic scale. The scale itself is preceded by a playful, diat...
Hotel California Eagles A section slowThe Eagles Hotel California - This is the slowed down version of the A section of "Hotel California". When you are ready to move on, try the orig...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 4
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - In this example, Bireli shows you a simple symmetrical phrase starting with your index finger on the 4th fr...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 15
Triplet pull-off lick - Here Bireli plays a lick featuring pull-offs in a repeating triplet figure. Notice how the first group of six notes differs...
Hotel California Eagles B section
Hotel California The Eagles B section - For the B section of The Eagles "Hotel California", we will try to imitate the rhythms of the vocals with our stru...
Combining Pentatonic with Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 2
This video is another example of Mr. Coryell combining the Pentatonic and "Bird" concept. Check out the reall...
Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 1
Django Reinhardt Style comping Pattern In G - Bireli starts comping through a simple progression in G. Notice how he makes use of chromatic bass no...