Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 10 - Slow
Triplet cross-string thirds slowly - Here's a slower version of Bireli's triplet cross-string thirds idea. Bireli plays major and minor thir...
Jazz (10)
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 21
G major arpeggio with neighbor notes - Essentially, this lick is a G major arpeggio embellished with upper and lower neighbor notes. As with Bireli...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 11
Repeating neighbor note lick - This lick uses a repeating upper and lower neighbor note motif. It's similar to the neighbor note lick which also us...
G Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Example 2
G Half Whole Diminished Scale melodic sequence - In this video, Larry gives an example of how to find melodic sequences within the Half Whole ...
Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 2
"Bird" - "Bird's" concept as Larry mentions it was thinking and playing the V minor over a dominant chord. For example, according to La...
Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 7 - Troublant Bolero - Right Hand
Django Reinhardt Style comping - Bireli will demonstrate for you again exactly how to use your right hand for Djang...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 11 - Slow
Repeating neighbor note lick slowly - Here's a slower version of Bireli's repeating neighbor note lick. It's similar to the neighbor note li...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 22
E minor tremolo falling fourths - Bireli uses a tremolo (rapid alternate picking on one string) technique with the right hand and descends through ...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 1
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - Here Bireli showcases the first of a few great typical Django Reinhardt lines. Make sure to add these to yo...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 12
Diminished seventh lick - This lick is another great example of how a fingering pattern can be very effectively moved around the fretboard. The fir...