Endless Craving - guitar part
This original song is in the style of Rolling Stones Satisfaction. It resembles the main riff for "Satisfaction" a little and features a mixture of slides and ...
Rock (10)
Horns of the Beast - full track
This song is inspired by "You Really Got Me" by The Kinks. It uses an A Power Chord on strings 3 and 4 played with finger 1 of the left hand. It is a simple,...
Amazing Grace strumming pattern 1 - guitar only
Amazing Grace has been played by great rock musicians and guitarists including Steve Vai, Jeff Beck and John Petrucci (Dream Theater). This i...
Teenage Rage - full track
This original song is inspired by "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. It uses moveable power chord shapes. In this video you'll hear the guitar playing along wit...
Viva La Vida using D chord - guitar only
Viva La Vida Coldplay - This video shows a classic chord progression which has been has been used in many songs such as "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay. ...
Palm Muting Exercise 2
This exercise will help you develop a good palm muting technique on the lowest three strings. As well as open strings, we also use some fretted notes. We also use som...
Pull-Off Exercise 3
A pull-off is an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note without picking it wi...
Endless Craving - full track
This original song is in the style of Satisfaction Rolling Stones. It resembles the main riff for "Satisfaction" a little and features a mixture of slides and f...
Smoke Machine - guitar only
This riff is inspired by "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple. It uses open power chords and power chords on frets 3 and 5. In this video you'll hear the guitar p...
Amazing Grace strumming pattern 1 - full track
Amazing Grace has been played by great rock musicians and guitarists including Steve Vai, Jeff Beck and John Petrucci (Dream Theater). This is...