With Or Without You - full track
This video shows a classic chord progression which has been used in many songs such as U2 With or Without You. The progression uses the chords D, A, Bm7 and...
Rock (10)
A Power Chord strings 3 and 4
(alternative fingering)
In this video you will learn to play an A power chord. It can also be called an A5 chord. We'll be using the third and fourth strings ...
Hound Dog - Blues Changes with Capo - full track
Hound Dog Elvis - This famous Elvis song, "Hound Dog" is based on the Blues Changes chord progression, also known as the 12 bar blues. We wi...
Half Dead - full track
This original thrash metal song is in the style of Metallica and Megadeth. It is a great introduction to essential left hand muting technique, also known as playing '...
Last Kiss - guitar only
Last Kiss Pearl Jam - This video shows a classic chord progression which has been has been used in many songs such as "Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam. The progression uses ...
Lickin' Metal - guitar only
This original song is in the style of Metallica. It is inspired by songs such as "Enter Sandman" and uses notes from the E blues scale. In this video you'll hear...
Gun Powder - full track
AC/DC TNT - Here is an original song in the style of AC/DC's "TNT." It uses power chords and single notes, and features some very interesting rhythms. In this video ...
This exercise will help you to develop your slides (also called glissando). Slides are an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase spee...
A Power Chord strings 3 and 4
In this video you will learn to play an A power chord. It can also be called an A5 chord. We'll be using the third and fourth strings and one finger of the lef...
4-String G Chord
This version of a G chord is one of the easiest major chords to play on the guitar but already sounds great and can be used in many songs. We only need one finger of the le...