Common Chord Progression 10
Common Chord Progression 10 - Here we have a vi-IV-I-V in the key of C. Therefore, the chords are Am, F, C, and G.You can use this chord progression to pla...
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Quadruple Stops Improvisation 1
Quadruple Stops Big Band Style -In this video, Larry demonstrates how to incorporate quadruple stops in a big band style into your playing. Listen to how Lar...
A Ionian in Triplets
Here we have A Ionian in triplets. When playing triplets, we play three notes in space of two. In this example, we're playing three eighth notes per beat. Three note gr...
G7 Phrase
Larry plays a nice G7 Phrase. He uses a D Dorian idea with an F major 7 arpeggio embed within it over a G7 chord. These simple modal/arppegiated ideas are the fundamentals for pl...
C major triad root position string group 1-3 visualize root on 5th string
C major triad root position string group 1-3 visualize root on 5th string - Now let's put the root C on the 5th str...
Oasis Champagne Supernova A section
Oasis Champagne Supernova - "Champagne Supernova" is a song by Oasis. It appears on their album "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?" In this video, we'll ...
Other ways to get into the IV chord example 1 (ii-V of IV)
This video shows you an example of a different way to get to the IV chord. Mr. Coryell teaches us that you can platy the ii-V of t...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 11
Repeating neighbor note lick - This lick uses a repeating upper and lower neighbor note motif. It's similar to the neighbor note lick which also us...
Nickelback If Today Was Your Last Day C section
If Today Was Your Last Day Nickelback C section - The C section to "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickelback has only 3 chords which you alr...
G F Dmin Amin chord progression
5 4 2 6 chord progression in C - In this clip we will play a "5 4 2 6" chord progression in the key of C major. 5 4 2 6, or V IV ii vi, means the G, F, Dm, a...