Don't Forget the Ghosts - full track
This song is inspired by "Don't Forget Me" from the album "By the Way" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It can be played as an accompaniment to the origina...
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Wham Wake Me Up Before You Go Go A section slow
Wham Wake Me Up Before You Go Go A section slow - Now we will look at the A section slowly of "Wake me up before you go go." The A section us...
C Major Scale notes on 3rd string
C Major Scale notes on 3rd string - The 3rd open string gives us the note G which is the 5th scale degree of a C major scale. Make sure to end one octave h...
Viva La Vida using Dsus chord - guitar only
Coldplay Viva La Vida - This video shows a classic chord progression which has been has been used in many songs such as "Viva La Vida" by Coldpla...
Choice Licks 5
Great Jazz Guitar here from Armen Mosvesyan. It includes chords and single lines - enjoy!
Rocket Man Elton John B section -Now let's take a look at the B section to "Rocket Man" by Elton John.'Rocket Man" is from the album "Honky Chateau" ...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 2
B section of Rhythm Changes - Bireli once again does not stray to far from outlining the changes with just standard chord tones but this tim...
G Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Example 2
G Half Whole Diminished Scale melodic sequence - In this video, Larry gives an example of how to find melodic sequences within the Half Whole ...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 22
E minor tremolo falling fourths - Bireli uses a tremolo (rapid alternate picking on one string) technique with the right hand and descends through ...
Katy Perry Roar A section
Katy Perry Roar - Here in this video we will look at the A section of "Roar" by Katy Perry. Katy Perry is an American singer and songwriter born October 25, 1984. ...