C Major Scale notes on 3rd string
C Major Scale notes on 3rd string - The 3rd open string gives us the note G which is the 5th scale degree of a C major scale. Make sure to end one octave h...
3rd string 5
Octave Relation - example F on 1st, 6th, 4th, 2nd, 5th and 3rd string
Octave Relation - example F on 1st, 6th, 4th, 2nd, 5th and 3rd string - Almost done! We still have to cover the 3rd str...
Bb octave from 3rd string
Octave Relation - Bb octave from 3rd string - Holding down the Bb on the 3rd string, now add your pinky finger, putting it on the 1st string 6th fret. This will le...
Bb on 3rd string 3rd fret
Bb on the 3rd string 3rd fret - For this video simply put your index finger on the 3rd string 3rd fret and you will have the note Bb. This will be the root on the ...
Octave from 5th string - example C
Octave Relation - In this clip, you will be shown on how to find the relation between a C octave on the 5th and 3rd string.Again these are the same s...