Whats up 4 Non Blondes
Whats Up 4 Non Blondes - What's Up? 4 Non Blondes"What's Up?" is a song by 4 Non Blondes. You can hear the original song on their album "Bigger, Better, Faster, More!...
Chords 10
Free Falling Tom Petty slow
Free Falling Tom Petty. 'Free Falling" uses a capo on the third fret and uses the chords D, G and A. Please pay attention to the cut strum on beat 2 of the 2nd...
The Monster Eminem feat Rihanna slow
Eminem The Monster - Here in this video we look slowly the song "The Monster" by Eminem. There is a capo at the 4th fret. The chords used in " The Mon...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 10
I Got Rhythm - Before you start copying any of these cool lines, look at how Bireli keeps his right moving at this fast tempo. There are s...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 7
B section of Rhythm Changes - This improvisation starts high up the neck with very impressive facility and cleanliness in execution. Techniq...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 5
This A Section Improvisation has started out with Bireli bending a note slightly. This is the first time that we have seen this in this seri...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 3
Here is another example of what you can do with the A section of Rhythm Changes. In the middle of measure two there is s...
Wham Wake Me Up Before You Go Go B section slow
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go Wham - Next we look at the B section slowly of "Wake me up before you go go." "Wake me up before you go go" is a ...
Neil Young Keep On Rocking In The Free World B section slow
Keep On Rocking In The Free World Neil Young - Here is the B section slowly of "Keep on Rocking in the Free World" by Neil Young ...
Ed Sheeran Galway Girl B section
Galway Girl Ed Sheeran B section - The B section"Galway Girl" by Ed Sheeran has a very busy strumming pattern and at some point you wanna be able to not rea...