Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 3
In this blues in Bb, notice how Bireli establishes a solid groove right from the beginning by using percussive effects with both hands, as well as c...
Intermediate 10
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 13
B section of Rhythm Changes - Another linear approached intro to the improv followed by hard swinging lines that are evenly played across B...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 11
A Section Rhythm Changes Improv Octave Displacement - Bireli makes use of octave displacement and is very careful to keep the back beat of ...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 2
In this Rhythm Changes B section video you will see another example by the great Bireli Lagrene. Here he once again shows...
Ed Sheeran Sing B section
Ed Sheeran Sing B section - Let us look B section to "Sing" by Ed Sheeran. The B section uses the chords E minor and A minor. There is a capo on the 4th fret. Plea...
Seal Crazy bridge section
Seal Crazy bridge section - This video will look at the bridge section of " Crazy" performed by Seal. Crazy" is from the album Seal released May 24, 1991. Seal was...
Kenny Burrell Soulful Blues Regular Speed
Soulful Brothers Kenny Burrell - In this example of Kenny Burrell's "Soulful Brothers," you will see how to start incorporating double stops into y...
Choice Licks 2 Slow
This Jazz Guitar phrase by Armen Movsesyan combines octaves and chords together. It is not difficult to play so you should be able to learn it quickly. When you are do...
Every Rose Has Its Thorn Poison bridge section
Every Rose Has Its Thorn Poison bridge - In the bridge section if Poison's "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" you will encounter a G - D/F# - E minor...
Youre Beautiful James Blunt A section
Youre Beautiful James Blunt - James Blunt's "You're beautiful" which was co-written by the British singer James Blunt, Sacha Skarbek, and Amanda Ghost ...