Django Reinhardt Style Rhythmic Example 1
Django Reinhardt Style comping Pattern In G - Bireli starts comping through a simple progression in G. Notice how he makes use of chromatic bass no...
Licks 10
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 20
G minor arpeggio lick - This lick is essentially a G minor arpeggio played ascending and descending in triplets.
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 9
Dominant ascending lick - In this video Bireli demonstrates an ascending lick that could be used over a dominant chord, in this case D7. Each arpegg...
G Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Example 2
G Half Whole Diminished Scale melodic sequence - In this video, Larry gives an example of how to find melodic sequences within the Half Whole ...
Pentatonic Improvisation 2
Pentatonic Scale Improvisation - This video shows you an example of how to use the Pentatonic Scale to Improvise over the Blues. be sure to check out the other tw...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 21
G major arpeggio with neighbor notes - Essentially, this lick is a G major arpeggio embellished with upper and lower neighbor notes. As with Bireli...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 7
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - Pay special attention to how Bireli keeps a descending melody on every first beat of each bar on the first ...
C Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Examples
Here, Larry teaches you some C Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Examples. Larry points out that it's possible to find pentatonic lines within...
Pentatonic Improvisation 3
Pentatonic Improvisation 3 - Pentatonic Improvisation example 3 once again by Mr. Larry Coryell, the "Godfather of Fusion." Once you get this phrase down go on an...