More 3 6 2 5 Phrases
Larry demonstrates more 3 6 2 5 phrases over the E min7b5 to A 7 to D m7 to G7.
Licks 9
3 6 2 5 Phrase 2
Here is another 3 6 2 5 Phrase. Larry begins his line outlining an altered 6 chord here the A 7 #9. He ends his line with a reversed diminished arpeggio over the V7.
Playing Over Minor (Summertime)
Playing Over Minor (Summertime) - In this Video Larry gives you an idea of playing over minor a with a classic and well-known standard like "Summertime" as a...
3 6 2 5 Phrase 1
Larry Plays 3 6 2 5 Phrase in C. E minor 7 b5 to A 7 #5 followed by a 2 - 5 in C - D m7 to G 13. This is a common 3-6-2-5 chord progression substitution in C.
Using the 6th
Larry will talk about and demonstrate to you on how to put more emphasis on the Major 6th of the scale, in this case, and key of A minor the note will be the note F#. In this ...
D minor Phrase
In 5th position, Larry plays a very standard D minor Phrase phrase built off an F major 7 arpeggio and D dorian with no 6th degree.
Using Major over minor - Example C Major over A minor
Major over minor - This example showcases on how to actually "think" in C Major, while still being in the key of A minor. This will giv...
G7 Phrase
Larry plays a nice G7 Phrase. He uses a D Dorian idea with an F major 7 arpeggio embed within it over a G7 chord. These simple modal/arppegiated ideas are the fundamentals for pl...
C Whole Tone Scale
Larry will explain to you on how to spice up and alter an A minor chord a bit, by playing a C Whole Tone scale from the note C. All available notes are C, D, E, F#, G#, A...