Wes Montgomery Substitution Bags Groove Regular Speed
Wes Montgomery Bags Groove - Here is Wes Montgomery's chord substitutions for "Bags Groove" at regular speed. Chord substitutions are a...
Licks 10
Bb Blues Easy Comping
In this first video in Armen Movsesyan's "Jazzify your Blues" course, he shows you how to comp for a Bb Blues. This video should get you started and well on your way t...
Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 1
Bireli uses a whole host of interesting ideas in this blues in Bb. Notice how he gets a pizzicato effect with the left hand alone by pressing onto t...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 10
B section of Rhythm Changes - Running eighth notes with some creative reharmonization. Making use of three note per string skips and scales...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 8
A Section Rhythm Changes Improv - Bireli lays down the foundation for the standard Bb Rhythm Changes by targeting such such notes as roots a...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 6
Alright, so there is a lot in this Rhythm Changes variations example. It contains many of the concepts used in examples 1...
Wes Montgomery Missile Blues Octave Regular and Slow Speed
Wes Montgomery Missile Blues - Wes' octave technique played Regular and Slow Speed in this video! Continue learning Wes' Octave te...
Original Lick 1 Regular and Slow Speed
Learn this Original Lick 1 by Armen Movsesyan. Go slow, be sure to learn it in all keys and incorporate it into your playing immediately!
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 9
B section of Rhythm Changes - A diminished sequence based off out lining a Dominant 7th flat 9 chord that travels symmetrically down the nec...