Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 5
B section of Rhythm Changes Quicker - This starts off very relaxed with fresh sounding ideas that are really just based of chord tones and a...
Advanced (10)
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 10
I Got Rhythm - Before you start copying any of these cool lines, look at how Bireli keeps his right moving at this fast tempo. There are s...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 6
Rhythm Changes B Section Variations - This video shows Bireli using some simlar techniques and playing phrases from the p...
Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 1
Bireli uses a whole host of interesting ideas in this blues in Bb. Notice how he gets a pizzicato effect with the left hand alone by pressing onto t...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 3
In this video we see Bireli Lagrene give us another example of Rhythm Changes A Section Improv. This one also is played at a relaxed tempo w...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 6
B section of Rhythm Changes - Again swinging ideas that are based off the Major 7 arpeggio down a whole step from the intended dominant chor...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 11
Here is another example of how Bireli Lagrene blasts through the famous Rhythm Changes Standard "I Got Rhythm".
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 7
Rhythm Changes Bridge Harmonic Variations - In this final example of "Rhythm Changes'" Bridge Harmonic Variations Bireli ...
Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 4
In the intro to this blues in Bb, Bireli contrasts two ideas: a dissonant augmented chord with a flat ninth, and percussive effects. As an effective...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 5
This A Section Improvisation has started out with Bireli bending a note slightly. This is the first time that we have seen this in this seri...