Kenny Burrell Soulful Blues Regular Speed
Soulful Brothers Kenny Burrell - In this example of Kenny Burrell's "Soulful Brothers," you will see how to start incorporating double stops into y...
Blues (10)
Kenny Burrell Blues Example Slow Speed
Blues Kenny Burrell - The slow version of Kenny Burrell's K.B. Blues. You can learn a lot from Kenny so make sure that you check out his recordings. I...
Kenny Burrell Soulful Blues Slow Speed
Kenny Burrell Soulful Brothers - Here is the slower version of Kenny Burrell's "Soulful Brothers." With blues, it is imperative to dig a little more i...
Circle Blues Comping
Circle Blues Comping - This "Circle Blues" comping video shows you the chords to a "Bird" Blues. Although not as common as the regular 12 Bar Blues or "Jazz Blues," thi...
Wes Montgomery Blue n' Boogie - This video shows you how to use double stops like Wes Mongtomery with "Blue N' Boogie" as the example. After watching this you will have a much better underst...
Choice Licks 2 Slow
This Jazz Guitar phrase by Armen Movsesyan combines octaves and chords together. It is not difficult to play so you should be able to learn it quickly. When you are do...
Wes Montgomery Blue n' Boogie Slow Speed
Blue n' Boogie Wes Montgomery - Wes Montgomery Blue n' Boogie Slow Speed in this video. Same as the previous one but slower to help you learn.&...
Choice Lick 3 Reg and Slow
Jazz Guitar Phrase 3 by Armen Movsesyan
1st 3rds lick regular and slow
3rds lick 1 - In this video, Armen Movsesyan shows you the first of 3 original 3rd's phrases. He plays it at a regular tempo as well as slow for you to learn...
2nd 3rd's lick regular and slow speed
3rds lick 2 - In this second 3rd's lick by Armen Movsesyan you will continue to learn double stops in the style of Kenny Burrell and Wes Montgomery.