Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 10 - Slow
Triplet cross-string thirds slowly - Here's a slower version of Bireli's triplet cross-string thirds idea. Bireli plays major and minor thir...
Intermediate (10)
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 21
G major arpeggio with neighbor notes - Essentially, this lick is a G major arpeggio embellished with upper and lower neighbor notes. As with Bireli...
Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 2
"Bird" - "Bird's" concept as Larry mentions it was thinking and playing the V minor over a dominant chord. For example, according to La...
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 11
Repeating neighbor note lick - This lick uses a repeating upper and lower neighbor note motif. It's similar to the neighbor note lick which also us...
G Half Whole Diminished Scale Phrase Example 2
G Half Whole Diminished Scale melodic sequence - In this video, Larry gives an example of how to find melodic sequences within the Half Whole ...
26 miles 4 Preps A section26 Miles The Four Preps - "26 Miles" is a famous song by the 1950s and 1960s pop band The Four Preps. It has reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and n...
Charlie Parker (Bird) Concept Improvisation Example 3
Here is another example of the Charlie Parker concept discussed and taught be Larry Coryell. He plays some really hip (cool) rhythms he...
3 6 2 5 Phrase 2
Here is another 3 6 2 5 Phrase. Larry begins his line outlining an altered 6 chord here the A 7 #9. He ends his line with a reversed diminished arpeggio over the V7.
Double Stops (Diminished)
In this double stops section, Larry starts off with explaining that you can use your C Diminished scale (Notes: C, D, E, F#, G#, A#) over a C Blues. Furthermore, h...
Augmented Triads
This time Larry explains to you that you can also use your Augmented Triads over a minor chord. In this case, we are still in the key of A minor and will use a C Augmented ...