Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 5
This A Section Improvisation has started out with Bireli bending a note slightly. This is the first time that we have seen this in this seri...
Jazz (10)
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 8
A Section Rhythm Changes Improv - Bireli lays down the foundation for the standard Bb Rhythm Changes by targeting such such notes as roots a...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 5
B section of Rhythm Changes Quicker - This starts off very relaxed with fresh sounding ideas that are really just based of chord tones and a...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 10
I Got Rhythm - Before you start copying any of these cool lines, look at how Bireli keeps his right moving at this fast tempo. There are s...
Kenny Burrell Soulful Blues Regular Speed
Soulful Brothers Kenny Burrell - In this example of Kenny Burrell's "Soulful Brothers," you will see how to start incorporating double stops into y...
Kenny Burrell Blues Example Slow Speed
Blues Kenny Burrell - The slow version of Kenny Burrell's K.B. Blues. You can learn a lot from Kenny so make sure that you check out his recordings. I...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 6
B section of Rhythm Changes - Again swinging ideas that are based off the Major 7 arpeggio down a whole step from the intended dominant chor...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 11
Here is another example of how Bireli Lagrene blasts through the famous Rhythm Changes Standard "I Got Rhythm".
Kenny Burrell Soulful Blues Slow Speed
Kenny Burrell Soulful Brothers - Here is the slower version of Kenny Burrell's "Soulful Brothers." With blues, it is imperative to dig a little more i...
Circle Blues Comping
Circle Blues Comping - This "Circle Blues" comping video shows you the chords to a "Bird" Blues. Although not as common as the regular 12 Bar Blues or "Jazz Blues," thi...