Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs Exercise
This exercise combines hammer-ons and pull-offs. These are both essential rock guitar techniques.
Rock (10)
Hammer-Ons Exercise 1
A hammer-on is a must-know rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note without picking it ...
C Power Chord 3rd fret
This is an easy way to play a C power chord. It is also called a C5 chord. We use the index finger of the left hand to press down the thickest two strings at fret thr...
D7 Chord
This video will show you how to play a D7 chord. It can also be called a D dominant seventh chord. This chord is a good one to learn once you already know a couple of other chords....
G Power Chord 3rd fret
This is a G power chord, also called a G5 chord. Learning this incredibly useful power chord shape will allow you to play power chords anywhere on the neck! It doesn'...
Em7 Chord
This is a full open Em7 chord (E minor seventh chord). It's a useful chord shape and has been used in countless rock songs. We're using all six strings and four fingers of the lef...
Canoe Song melody - guitar only
Canoe Song melody - Here is the melody for "Canoe Song", a traditional Canadian song. "Canoe Song" really works well as a rock song! This melody only uses no...
Bitin' Back
Queen Another One Bites the Dust - This original riff is inspired by "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen. It uses alternate picking and some interesting rhythms.
A Chord
This is a full open A chord (A major chord). It's a must-know open chord shape and has been used in countless rock songs. We're using five strings and three fingers of the left hand...
D Power Chord open strings
This is a very easy way to play an D power chord. It is also called a D5 chord. We play the fourth and fifth strings and don't need to use the left hand at all. T...