You Belong With Me Taylor Swift A section
You Belong With Me Taylor Swift - In this video we're going to focus on the A section of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift. This song is from he...
Intermediate 10
Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen A section slow
Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen - This video shows you how to play the A section to Bruce Springsteen's "Atlantic City" slowly.Please note...
Jazz Blues in Bb Improvisation Example 4
In the intro to this blues in Bb, Bireli contrasts two ideas: a dissonant augmented chord with a flat ninth, and percussive effects. As an effective...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 1
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Fast - Bireli Demonstrates the entire form of Rhythm Changes. Please note the right hand muting that goes on here...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 12
Use of Flat 9 intervals to create tension - Bireli uses the most dissonant interval in music to begin this short improv - The Flat 9. He al...
Rhythm Changes B Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 3
This Rhythm Changes Bridge video has Bireli Lagrene demonstrating ideas for reharmonization. We suggest hearing it a few ...
Ed Sheeran Sing B section slow
Sing Ed Sheeran - Here is the B section slow of "Sing" by Ed Sheeran. The B section uses the chords E minor and A minor. There is a capo on the 4th fret. Plea...
Seal Crazy B section
Seal Crazy B section - Here we will look at the B section to "Crazy" by Seal. Crazy" is from the album Seal released May 24, 1991. Seal was born on February 19, 1963 in...
Wes Montgomery Blue n' Boogie - This video shows you how to use double stops like Wes Mongtomery with "Blue N' Boogie" as the example. After watching this you will have a much better underst...
Choice Lick 3 Reg and Slow
Jazz Guitar Phrase 3 by Armen Movsesyan