Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example 3
Django Reinhardt Style Phrases Example - This phrase can be used over a II-V chord progression in the key of A Major, which would be Bm7-E7. Bireli ...
Intermediate 10
Hotel California Eagles A section slowThe Eagles Hotel California - This is the slowed down version of the A section of "Hotel California". When you are ready to move on, try the orig...
Minor Blues Playing example
Finally, Larry tries to apply all previous concepts together over an A minor Blues. Have a listen and look how everything can fit together over a simple blues fo...
Other ways to get into the IV chord example 1 (ii-V of IV)
This video shows you an example of a different way to get to the IV chord. Mr. Coryell teaches us that you can platy the ii-V of t...
Double Stops (Diminished)
In this double stops section, Larry starts off with explaining that you can use your C Diminished scale (Notes: C, D, E, F#, G#, A#) over a C Blues. Furthermore, h...
Other ways to get into the IV chord example 2 (Tritone substitution)
Learn the Tritone Substitution here. Now, once again in order to create a stronger pull or resolution to the IV chord in...
Double Stops (Diminished) Improvisation 1
Moving on, Larry Coryell will play double stops using Diminished triads borrowed from the Diminished scale over a C Blues and makes music out of it...
Other ways to get into the IV chord example 3 (ii - V Tritone substitution)
Instead of just playing the Tritone Substitution, you can also play the ii-V Tritone Substitution. In this last e...
Double Stops (Diminished) Improvisation 2
Here is another great example by Larry that showcases the application of Diminished chords used as Double Stops.
C Whole Tone Phrase 1
C Whole Tone Phrase 1 - In this video, Larry showcases another cool and mysterious sounding line emphasising the C Whole Tone Scale over an A minor chord.