Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 14
A Section with Ascending Chromatic Bass Motion - Bireli begins the line with the chromatic ascending bass pattern of 1, #1,2,#2,and then to...
Advanced (10)
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 3
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune - Bireli plays the entire form of Rhythm Changes. A great example of how a guitarist performs in a trio situation...
This Ab Blues Chord Solo demonstrates the many chordal ideas that are common in jazz blues. The content of this section is very advanced, utilizing multiple substitution and voice-leading co...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 4
In this example of I Got Rhythm A section Bireli does some plays a nice octaves phrase in measure six. He also plays an i...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 1
B section of Rhythm Changes - Here Bireli plays through the V of V sequence that is typically only found in Rhythm Changes. He outlines the ...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 6
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune - Bireli demonstrates the entire form of Rhythm Changes. Again this a very fast tempo that Rhythm Changes is typi...
Practice this G Blues Chord Solo slowly. Note, some of the chordal ideas here are also appropriate for accompaniment. However, others will probably be too distracting or abrasive to be used ...
Rhythm Changes A Section Rhythmic and Harmonic Variations Example 5
Bireli Lagrene teaches you more I Got Rhythm variations for the A section. There is some really cool rhythmic "thumping" ...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 2
B section of Rhythm Changes - Bireli once again does not stray to far from outlining the changes with just standard chord tones but this tim...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 7
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune A very Brisk Tempo - In the is video Bireli demonstrates the entire form of Rhythm Changes at a Brisk tempo. This...