Every Rose Has Its Thorn Poison A section slow
Poison Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Here you can practice the A section to "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" slowed down and really get used to the ch...
Beginner 10
Alternate Picking
Alternate picking is the use of downstrokes and upstrokes in alternation when playing single notes. This essential rock guitar will allow us to play faster. Alternate pick...
Lickin' Metal - full track
This original song is in the style of Metallica. It is inspired by songs such as 'Enter Sandman' and uses notes from the E blues scale. In this video you'll hear ...
Half Dead - guitar only
This original thrash metal song is in the style of Metallica and Megadeth. It is a great introduction to essential left hand muting technique, also known as playing ...
Canoe Song chord part - full track
Here is the chord accompaniment for "Canoe Song", a traditional Canadian song. "Canoe Song" really works well as a rock song! We'll need two open chords f...
B7 Chord
Here is a full open B7 chord (B dominant seventh chord). It's an extremely useful open chord shape and has been used in countless rock songs. We're using five strings and four fing...
Alternate Picking Exercise 1
Alternate picking is the use of downstrokes and upstrokes in alternation when playing single notes. This essential rock guitar will allow us to play faster. Thi...
Full G Chord
This is a full open G chord (G major chord). It's a must-know open chord shape and has been used in countless rock songs. We're using all six strings and four fingers of the le...
12 Bar Blues with harmonic movement
Here is the 12 Bar Blues with harmonic movement. Larry Coryell, the "Godfather of Fusion" shows you how to add a little harmonic movement to the basic I,...
Pull-Off Exercise 1
A pull-off is an essential rock guitar technique that will help our playing flow and help us to increase speed. We use the left hand to play a note without picking it wi...