Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 7
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune A very Brisk Tempo - In the is video Bireli demonstrates the entire form of Rhythm Changes at a Brisk tempo. This...
Improvisation 10
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 4
B section of Rhythm Changes Chromatic Bebop approach - Bireli once again begins this with some wide intervals but still limited to just chor...
Rhythm Changes A Section Improvisation Example 2
This example of I Got Rhythm A Section Improvisation is very straightforward. It is played at a nice relaxed tempo and the ideas are execute...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Chords
Lets put all these "Rhythm Changes" together and learn how to play the chords to the whole song. "I Got Rhythm" will put you on your way in no time to playi...
Kenny Burrell Soulful Blues Slow Speed
Kenny Burrell Soulful Brothers - Here is the slower version of Kenny Burrell's "Soulful Brothers." With blues, it is imperative to dig a little more i...
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune Improvisation Example 6
Rhythm Changes Whole Tune - Bireli demonstrates the entire form of Rhythm Changes. Again this a very fast tempo that Rhythm Changes is typi...
Rhythm Changes B Section Improvisation Example 3
B section of Rhythm Changes - Here Bireli hints at the Dominants corresponding 2 minor chord in his lines off the top. He then gets into a p...
We now move on to single line soloing with "Rhythm Changes'" A Section Improvisation. Bireli Lagrene slowly show you a multitude of things that you can do starting with this first example. T...
Rhythm Changes B Section Chords
Rhythm Changes Bridge - Learn how to play the chords to the B Section of "I Got Rhythm, more commonly called the bridge. The song composed by George and Ira ...
Practice this G Blues Chord Solo slowly. Note, some of the chordal ideas here are also appropriate for accompaniment. However, others will probably be too distracting or abrasive to be used ...